Pulstar Pulse Plugs dg1p SET OF 4 PLATINUM - Optimized for FUEL ECONOMY


Product Feature
- Improve fuel economy, torque, and horsepower
- Reduce emissions
- Pay for themselves in less than 10000 miles of gas savings
- Guaranteed for as long as you own your car
Product Description
"At current gas prices and a conservative estimated fuel savings of 7%, Pulstar Platinum plugs easily PAY FOR THEMSELVES in less than 10,000 miles, and as gas prices rise the payback only gets better. So... youÆll PAY MORE for Pulstar Platinums if you DON T buy them! Pulstar Platinum Pulse Plugs are designed to optimize fuel economy by creating a spark which ignites MORE of your fuel/air mixture FASTER. Pulstar Pulse Plugs are a 'drop in' replacement for spark plugs, and utilize technology and components that simply are not found in a conventional spark plug. The key element is called a Pulse Circuit, and it acts in a manner similar to the capacitor in an electronic strobe, storing energy that is fed to it over a relatively long period of time and releasing it during a dramatically short interval. The Pulse Circuit stores energy that spark plugs waste in the ionization phase of the spark, during which the voltage is being built to a sufficient level to cause a spark to jump between the electrode and ground strap. At the moment this occurs, energy which would have otherwise been squandered is applied to the ignition event, creating a spark of such energy that the ignition plume propagates significantly and measurably faster. The result? More efficient combustion of the fuel, resulting in better gas mileage along with more torque and horsepower and REDUCED emissions. Pulstars are GUARANTEED by the manufacturer for as long as you own the vehicle in which you installed them. "Pulstar Pulse Plugs dg1p SET OF 4 PLATINUM - Optimized for FUEL ECONOMY Review
Love Pulstars!Typically automotive commercials are full of exaggeration, sometimes even outright-lying promises. They assume most customers lack technical background.
But not these sparkplugs, I came to order these after a lenghty, albeit tiresome research & using "normal" sparkplugs on multiple cars.
I AM OBSESSED with environment (besides primary job) & also as a nice consequence - saving money on fuel economy!
For years would only go for Iridium (or Platinum as next lower step) from a specific supplier (sometimes thru Amsoil as middle man, though I use Amsoil fo roil/filter not plugs)). This year decided to get outof routine and try these Pulstar (never mind my lastname sounds similar :)). Note: Pulstars are same NGK-class Japanese-identical sparkplugs in terms of electrode materials, same NGK (and NGK is the only thing you want in your car, all else are inferior); but the elctrode SHAPE or some other mechanics of it is a new type (patented), suprisingly designed in USA (strange, usually it came from Japan or Asia!); , so I decided to try & ordered in March2011 .
Amazon reminded me to write a review so here it is - over half year testing proved its claims are true.
Perhaps the energy crisis reached such point that we finally improved sparkplugs beyond empty promises or commercials; surpsingly the patent is USA-registered. All of my car's hitech is Japanese/Asian, but sparkplugs. It resutled in improved fuel economy (gas mileage), I may've lost some excess torque (?) but it was a waste anyway and more importantly it's probably my imagination that one "must lose" something as a sacrifice for improved gas mileage, most likely I've lost no power, but did gain mileage. The comparison I make is between same early & late Summer seasons of using regular NGK plugs and these improved Pulstars, same car weight, driving style, road type, etc - so I am making a fair comparison (remember: season i.e. ambient temperature & air density affect fuel economy).
These sparkplugs DID improve my gas mileage, they also feel more "gentle"? Maybe I am crazxy but it seems engine makes less noise.
If you wish to drive like a crazed animal, these are NOT sparkplugs for you, these pluags are best for fuel economy instead.
They're gentle on engine and burn fuel more fully than regular plugs.
So the claim that progress has been made in sparkplugs is not a lie, unlike all those fuel-additives, air"throttlers' & other bogus products, these Pulstars are a real deal.
P.S. I can't get enough of the fact thay're deigned in USA, not Japan. Japan held total leadership in sparkplugs, and still does much of it, but Pulstars are inspired by energy crisis in America. I studied their technical white papers and it does look as legitimate patent.
Just beware - any improvement in fuel economy form this product or ANY OTHER is not some gigantic leap measured in tens o fmiles per gallon, no, but it is an incremental appreciable improvement and when you combine all methods to improve fuel economy you get a substantial result, most important however - is to drive sensibly, anticipate braking, don't be an 18-28 year old driver... which I also was, filled with adrenaline wasting gas on acceleration only to find yourself at the next stop sign or red light; drive lightly loaded and with maximum-pressure tires, and at least medium-grade gas if engine can take advantage over regular gas.
Most of the consumer Reviews tell that the "Pulstar Pulse Plugs dg1p SET OF 4 PLATINUM - Optimized for FUEL ECONOMY" are high quality item. You can read each testimony from consumers to find out cons and pros from Pulstar Pulse Plugs dg1p SET OF 4 PLATINUM - Optimized for FUEL ECONOMY ...

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